In 2018 one in every four Armenian citizens was living below the poverty line. At the same time social support and services are insufficient, offered in a non-appropriate (monetary) form or not targeted to the actual needs of vulnerable and poor families, which became once again evident during the recent crises that hit Armenia (Covid19-pandemic, Nagorno-Karabakh war). These crises also made obvious the lack of resilience and preparedness of local social programs to emergency situations and their inability to render support to those most vulnerable to poverty and marginalization during such crisis. Social case management methodology, introduced in Armenia since January 2017, with its holistic approach to poverty alleviation, could ease these constraints and contribute to individual and community development by supporting local cooperation networks among all involved actors and connecting the poorest to services and programs. Also Armenian government is increasingly recognizing the primary role of social work in poverty reduction, as reflected in the Armenian Government Program 2017-22. Therein, increased access to social services, the introduction of an integrated social services system, as well as contracting of CSOs that deliver social services are identified as important means to tackle poverty.
The project strives to combat poverty and inequality in Armenia and contribute to social change and inclusive, sustainable development. This is achieved by
Through this we aim to create needs-based and resilient local social plans as well as sustainable civil society-led social services for the benefit of poor and vulnerable families in Armenian regions.
Shirak, Tavush, Armavir, Syunik
This project implemented by Hilfswerk International in partnership with
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